Source and buy live inventory with a single account

Search from the most reliable network of chemical suppliers and distributors, find real time pricing, and make direct connections.

Proud members of these great associations

These industry associations guide the customers we serve. We are proud to be their partners, as they helped shape our platform.

Transform purchasing into a competitive advantage

With BluePallet, you can take advantage of the best tools on the market to enhance your purchasing power and receive a 1% rebate* on every purchase you make on the marketplace
Find the products you need
We bring distributors, producers, and manufacturers together in one place.
Access a wider rang of suppliers
Access a wide range of chemical suppliers to produce more raw materials and reduce costs.
Seamlessly and safely transact
All customers are vetted and every purchase is verified for compliance and responsible distribution safely and seamlessly.
Book logisitics
Get quotes, book from multiple providers in one place. Get automated notifications and tracking.

Sourcing made

Maximise value, streamline processes, and secure the best deals for your business!
Create personalised profile, expand your network and connect with potential clients or partners
BluePallet offers a seamless and efficient way for businesses to discover, source, and purchase the chemicals they need
Place orders in just a few clicks, streamline your procurement process and save your time and money


Can’t find the answer you were looking for?
Feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to help you.
Contact us
How do I request more information about a listing?
Manufacturer, Country of Origin, TDS, CofA, and other documents can be requested directly from a listing.
How do I pay for an order?
Each BluePallet account will have the option to link their preferred bank account through our financial partner, Plaid. We offer Net 30 terms by default and will run transactions via ACH transfers. We are exploring additional options such as buy now pay later and credit/debit cards. Keep an eye out for upcoming feature releases!
Is it free for buyers?
There is no subscription cost for buyers. It's free to sign up.
Can’t find the answer you were looking for? Feel free to reach us out and we’ll be happy to help you.
Contact us

Get started in less than 5 mins

Connect with suppliers. Find new inventory. All in one marketplace.